Contract Address of $MYRO is:
The symbol of Myro Coin is $MYRO, and the total supply of $MYRO is 123,600,002 (30% Burn).
The buy/sell fee of $MYRO is 5%, including 1% for LP reflections, 2% for marketing and 2 for buyback.
The contract is strictly reviewed and tested, and the LP has been locked on Pinksale for 12 months.
The $MYRO movement is like no other on the Bsc blockchain, bringing dog lovers from all around the crypto space and uniting them into one. With the BSC blockchain and coin making a huge return over the last few months, it’s time for $MYRO to come in and set the stardard for memecoins on BSC. There's a new dog in town.
$MYRO is more than just a cryptocurrency, it is also a way to connect with other dog meme lovers and make a difference in the world. Join the $MYRO movement today and help us make the world a more fun and inclusive place for everyone!
$MYRO coin was deployed on Binance Smart Chain (BSC), and was launched on PancakeSwap. The contract address of $MYRO is: 0xEca36f16abc93D5A04cA0694F31B46103DdC6Af8
Download MetaMask or other wallet Apps from app store and creat a wallet. Then deposit the BNB into your wallet.
Go to on browser or your wallet Apps. Connect your wallet and paste the $MYRO contract address.
Switch BNB for $MYRO. we have 5% taxes so you don't need to worry about buying with a specific slippage.